
Mich website headshotI am delighted to introduce myself as the Head of Primary at Dunraven School. We are really excited by the possibilities that developing our primary phase provides and believe that we have a lot to offer. One of the key benefits is to create a school that will really help develop the whole child into the sort of young adult of whom we can all be proud. Children in our primary phase will have an automatic right to continue into the secondary school. This will provide a unique opportunity for families to develop a long term relationship with us and remove the anxiety that often exists about the process of transfer to secondary school.

The team at Dunraven Primary put children at its heart; where all children are able to enjoy their learning and where they can achieve their potential. We want to instil such qualities as courtesy and consideration and encourage all children to have a Growth Mindset in all that they do.

I know how vital working in partnership with parents really is, for children to find school a positive and rewarding experience. We have high expectations in all areas, especially behaviour and attainment, which I hope you will support.

If you are in the process of applying for a school place do come and visit us in the Autumn Term. If successful I hope that you and your child will enjoy your time with us and I look forward to meeting and working with you to provide the best education for your child.

Michaela Christian
Head of Primary

Primary School Brochure

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